Donnerstag, 2. Juni 2011

Offener Brief von DC Co-Publisher Dan Didio an die Fans

Für "Hardcore-DC-Sammler" (wie mich) war DCs Ankündigung des September-"Neu-Starts" ähnlich erschreckend, wie einst in den 80ern das Ende der "Crisis On Infinite Earths" -Serie (mit einem für damalige Verhältnisse undenkbaren Schluß).

Auf "Normal-Sterbliche" hingegen, die Batman bestenfalls aus dem Kino und Superman aus dem Fernsehen kennen, muß diese "Neu-Start"-Ankündigung doch eher gewirkt haben wie: "Ach..., die Verlage veröffentlichen diese Super-Helden- Heftchen noch immer...?!"

Den nachfolgenden "Beruhigungs-Brief", gerichtet an die zahlreichen DC- Fans weltweit, hat DC Co-Publisher Dan Didio via Facebook vor wenigen Stunden veröffentlicht:

Abb. c) 2011 DC

"Folks, as you wonder and wait for the new series announcements to unfold, I just wanted to let you know that we are spending an extraordinary amount of time and energy to reinvigorate our line of characters and bring the best books possible for the widest audience possible. Sorry if anyone is feeling disenfranchised, especially since that's not the intent. Quite the opposite, we are trying to create a place and story where older fans can point for new fans to start, whether in periodical, graphic novel or digital. A place where everyone can share in the excitement of the DC Universe.

As the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, and there are a lot of great things that don't need fixing. But we're also saying that we will not stand idly by and let series run on inertia and let the industry fade around us. All of us here at DC love the form and the characters way too much for that.

Tomorrow we begin filling you in on all the excitement we have planned, plenty of real news to talk about and it's time for everyone to join in the fun.

