Mittwoch, 31. August 2011

"DCs NEW 52": die ersten Lesetipps online!

Bilder aus "Action Comics", Vol 2 #1 und "Demon Knights" # 1
c) 2011 DC

US- Comic Newssite COMICS ALLIANCE erhielt kürzlich die Gelegenheit das DC "Hauptquartier" in NYC zu besuchen, um dort die ersten zwei Wochen (= 26 Hefte) von "DCs NEW 52"- Neustart- Serien zu lesen! Auf der Website von "CA" kann der neugierige Fan jetzt SPOILER- F R E E Einschätzungen der verschiedenen Serien lesen.

*Welcher Titel lohnt sich?
*Von welcher Serie (wenn überhaupt) sollte man die Finger lassen?
*Die Antworten gibt es HIER!

Besonders empfohlen werden da ACTION COMICS (von Grant Morrison / Rags Morales), DEMON KNIGHTS und STORMWATCH (beides von Paul Cornell a.o.), JUSTICE LEAGUE (von den "üblichen Verdächtigen" Johns & Lee), BATWOMAN (von J.H. Williams), FRANKENSTEIN: AGENT OF SHADE (von Jeff Lemire) !


"Grant Morrison and Rags Morales delivered the best issue out of everything I read, and the one that's most got me most excited for more. Do not miss this book..."

"Of all the books I saw, I had two clear favorites, and the second after Action was Demon Knights by Paul Cornell, Diogenes Neves, Oclair Albert and Marcelo Maiolo. It's a fun superhero fantasy epic ensemble adventure book that immediately feels like it has a grand story to tell. The art team does a great job of making it feel different from any of the other DC relaunch books..."

"As has been pointed out on this site before, Smallville's Green Arrow often came across as a stand-in for Batman, a younger, hipper, wealthy vigilante crimefighter. That version's now carried over into comics. The new Green Arrow is the same younger, hipper, world-traveling version of Bruce Wayne complete with a team of younger, hipper Alfred-equivalents."

"No other book felt as grand in scope as Paul Cornell and Miguel Sepulveda's Stormwatch. With multiple storylines happening simultaneously around the globe as well as off of it, this is a series that screams big ideas in the tradition of the Wildstorm books that preceded it..."

...die kompletten Kurz-Kritiken gibt es HIER!