Montag, 11. April 2011

neues Graphic Novel Futter

Ivy HC
Preis 19,95 Euro

Ivy, a teenager from a small town longs to leave and pursue her dream of becoming a painter. But life isn’t easy when you never know the right thing to say. After beginning a long-distance relationship with a kindred spirit, Ivy gets a glimpse of freedom too good to pass up. Only while trying to escape her troubles does she start to understand that while she can leave home, she can’t run away from herself.(Oni Press)
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Pascal Girard - Reunion TP
Preis 18,95 Euro

Reunion is a semi-autobiographical book that recounts the events of the summer of 2009, when Pascal Girard received an invitation to attend his ten-year high school reunion. Initially dismissing the idea of attending, he quickly changes his mind when he receives an email from Lucie Coté, the girl he had a huge crush on in high school. She tells Pascal that she will be at the reunion and wonders if he would like to accompany her. 
Pascal becomes flustered with joy, except two problems remain: he must keep his almost uncontrollable infatuation a secret from his girlfriend, Julie, and he must do something about his weight. At 252 pounds, he frets that his weight will put him in the “loser” category among his former classmates, but most of all, he must do something to impress Lucie. 
He decides on a drastic plan of action: he takes up jogging every day until he reaches his goal of shedding fifty pounds. Three months pass as Pascal dutifully jogs and fantasizes about meeting Lucie, until finally he reaches his weight goal on the eve of the reunion. The now-slender Pascal arrives at the big event, full of fervent anticipation. 
However, one by one, his fantasies of moving into the “winner” category become cruelly deflated with each conversation he has with his former classmates. (Drawn and Quarterly)
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GB Tran - Vietnamerica: A Family's Journey HC
Preis 26,95 Euro

GB Tran is a young Vietnamese American artist who grew up distant from (and largely indifferent to) his family’s history. Born and raised in South Carolina as a son of immigrants, he knew that his parents had fled Vietnam during the fall of Saigon. But even as they struggled to adapt to life in America, they preferred to forget the past—and to focus on their children’s future. 
It was only in his late twenties that GB began to learn their extraordinary story. When his last surviving grandparents die within months of each other, GB visits Vietnam for the first time and begins to learn the tragic history of his family, and of the homeland they left behind. 
In this family saga played out in the shadow of history, GB uncovers the root of his father’s remoteness and why his mother had remained in an often fractious marriage; why his grandfather had abandoned his own family to fight for the Viet Cong; why his grandmother had had an affair with a French soldier. 
GB learns that his parents had taken harrowing flight from Saigon during the final hours of the war not because they thought America was better but because they were afraid of what would happen if they stayed. They entered America—a foreign land they couldn’t even imagine—where family connections dissolved and shared history was lost within a span of a single generation.
In telling his family’s story, GB finds his own place in this saga of hardship and heroism. Vietnamerica is a visually stunning portrait of survival, escape, and reinvention—and of the gift of the American immigrants’ dream, passed on to their children. Vietnamerica is an unforgettable story of family revelation and reconnection—and a new graphic-memoir classic. (Villard Books / Random House)

Kein Preview aber dafür ein Filmchen:

Schon Bald Abgeschlossen: Die US- "DMZ" Reihe

DMZ, Vol. 09: M.I.A.

After the shattering events of HEARTS AND MINDS, M.I.A. takes Matty to a remote and desolate section of the city. Self-exile forces him to take a good, hard look at himself and his conduct since he entered the DMZ, and he doesn't like what he's seeing. His discovery presents him with an opportunity that he's tempted to take, but is the price too high? This volume collects DMZ #50-54 and includes a pinup gallery with art by Jim Lee, Dave Gibbons, Eduardo Risso and others.
DC / VERTIGO, 128 pgs., color, TP, € 13,95
Available Now!

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In this collection of tales from DMZ #55-59, citizens and soldiers – new characters and old – weather the storm of a brutal "shock and awe" bombing campaign on the DMZ.
Included is a story concerning the enigmatic Wilson, the self-professed protector of Chinatown and confidant to series star Matty Roth who has always said he'd own the DMZ in the end. Now, with the U.S. poised to steamroll its way into the city, it's do-or-die time for the old man. In another tale, Matty lends his Liberty News secure phone line to DMZ citizens to reach out to loved ones outside the city – a direct violation of his contract. Is this the beginning of a new, compassionate Matty looking to atone? Or are more cynical motives at play?
DC / VERTIGO, 128 pgs., Color, TP, € 13,95
Available May 6, 2011

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Nach derzeitiger Planung des Autoren wird die DMZ Comic Book ("Heftchen")-Reihe ca. mit Ausgabe 70 abgeschlossen sein; d.h. maximal ein bis zwei weitere TPs (Tradepaperbacks) -Vol. 11 bzw. 12- wären dann noch möglich!

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DMZ- Autor Brian Wood ist übrigens als nächster Autor der "Supergirl" - Comic Book Reihe im Gespräch (nachdem sein VERTIGO / "Sweet Tooth" Kollege Jeff Lemire bereits sehr erfolgreich -und "Eisner Award"-nominert!- die Abenteuer von "Superboy" schildert.)

Die bisher erschienenen US- Sammelbände von DMZ (aber auch anderen VERTIGO- Serien!) halten wir für Euch im UNFUG bereit!

Brian Wood / Ryan Kelly: DMZ # 08 No Future. Reise ans Ende einer Manhattaner Nacht

Der achte Band der bittersten, weil lebensnahsten Dystopie der letzten Jahre ist erschienen, die Reise ans Ende der Nacht schreitet voran.

Immer tiefer tauchen wir ein in die schwärzesten Unterwelten der Politik.

Reizentzug und Gehirnwäsche, Indoktrination, Sektenbildung im Namen der Rache. Der aktuelle Band übertrifft selbst die bislang wenig zartfühlenden Vorgängerbände.

Aber bevor ich mich zur aktuellen Storyline äußere, will ich noch kurz auf das umfangreiche Bonusmaterial eingehen., welches mit 32 Seiten fast einen Fünftel des Comicumfangs abdeckt.

Neben einer brillant erzählten gehalten Kurzstory von Riccardo Burchielli, dem eigentlichen Stammzeichners der Serie, finden wir dort (unter anderem) eine grafisch sehr eigenständige Geschichte von Fábio Moon und einige Coverartgrossartigkeiten von Hochbegnadeten wie Jim Lee, Lee Bermejo vor.

Und auch zwei Giganten des (gesellschaftskritischen) Comics geben sich ihr Stelldichein - namentlich Eduardo Risso (100 Bullets), Dave Gibbons (Watchmen).

Zum aktuellen Sammelband - der Titel ist Programm, hier existiert keine Zukunft, keine Hoffnung, denn es wird dunkel in Manhattan, dunkler als jemals zuvor.

In einer dreiteiligen Storyline wird im Rückblick erklärt was einen Mann dazu treibt sich im regnerischen Downtown als Suicidebomber zu opfern. Woods erzählerisches Gespür führt uns ein in eine völlig entstellte Gefühlswelt, in die Sphäre eines stillen, kalten Hasses.

Meines Erachtens wächst die Serie nach zwei eher schwächelnden Sammelbände nun über sich hinaus. Galt das Hauptaugenmerk des letzten Teil noch dem orthodoxen politischen Machtspiel, steht in diesem Teil ein perfider Totenkult im Fokus.

Ein Kult, der sich zerstörter, traumatisierter Männern bedient, die man durch konsequenten Sinnesentzug und Manipulation zu tickenden Zeitbomben heranreifen lässt.

Selten habe ich einen auswegsloseren Weg eines Protagonisten mitverfolgt, der Attentäter durchlebt ein sich ständig verschärfendes Traumata, welches durch konsequente Konfrontation mit den Leiden vertieft und forciert wird. Am Ende scheint der Tod der einzige Ausweg zu sein, heraus aus der Hölle der psychomanipulativen Zugriffe.

Auch hier entwirft Wood ein mögliches Szenario der neuen Kriegsführung und dies praktiziert er mit einer solchen traumwandlerischen Wirklichkeitsnähe, dass sich wieder einmal Unbehagen und Ekel einstellt.

Kann man etwas besseres über einen Comic mit Botschaft sagen? Ich denke nein - Flaneurempfehlung wegen erzählerischem Mut, politischer Sensibilität und dramaturgischer Grandezza. Käuflich erwerbbar in beiden Filialen für 14,95 Euro