US network PBS wird am 15. April eine Dokumentation mit dem Titel "Wonder Woman: The Untold Story of American Superheroines" ausstrahlen (danach wohl verfügbar über deren website).
"The documentary looks at the evolution and legacy of Wonder Woman, examining her status as the definitive superheroine and how the character has changed through the times – while continuing to influence and inspire fans," erzählt Entertainment-website IGN's Eric Goldman.
iFanboy's Connor Kilpatrick hierzu: "From a lack of female creators at the top publishers to the lack of starring vehicles in various media for female superheroes, gender equality in mainstream comics has been among the foremost issues facing comic books today."
Hier bereits als Vorgeschmack ein kurzer Ausschnitt (inklusive Clips aus "Wonder Woman" und anderen Serien und Filmen):
WONDER WOMEN! THE UNTOLD STORY OF AMERICAN SUPERHEROINES traces the fascinating evolution and legacy of Wonder Woman. From the birth of the comic book superheroine in the 1940s to the blockbusters of today, WONDER WOMEN! looks at how popular representations of powerful women often reflect society's anxieties about women's liberation. WONDER WOMEN! goes behind the scenes with Lynda Carter, Lindsay Wagner, comic writers and artists, and real life superheroines such as Gloria Steinem, Shelby Knox and others who offer an enlightening and entertaining counterpoint to the male dominated superhero genre.