"Klaus" # 1 - (oder "Santa Claus - Year One" ?) |
Seit dieser Woche bei uns (in der Torstraße) erhältlich: Grant Morrison's Version der "Origin" / Herkunft des Weihnachtsmann:
Das erste (von insgesamt sechs) Boom! Studio-Heften wurde von Fans bereits im Vorfeld mit dem nickname "All-Star Santa Claus" versehen.
c) 2015 WB / DC |
Morrison zur Darstellung der "Superman"- und "Batman"- Figuren in den Comics (seit 1986) und im kommenden Kinofilm ("Batman V Superman"); ein kurzer Auszug:
For a long time, Superman was seen as quite boring because he was a “Boy Scout” and he stood for kind of American rightwing values rather than the leftwing values he’d been created with. And for a long time, he was seen as sort of a policeman figure, or a father figure, this patriarchal idea...
Now what we’re seeing is a Superman who slightly embodies the alien a little bit more, who stands for counter-culture or what remains of the opposition — because there’s not a lot of opposition in the world that we now live in, to the monoculture; now everyone’s under surveillance, everything’s under control, they know what we’re doing and they’re watching our emails. So strangely enough, Superman has oddly mutated again into this kind of progressive figure who’s fighting our battles on behalf of us with his incredible strength...
...Frank Miller positioned Superman very much as a Republican figure. He was working with Ronald Reagan, and he was absolutely in the pay of the American government in The Dark Knight Returns. But in this movie ("Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice") we’re seeing a Superman who is not on anyone’s “side,” and it’s Batman who seems to be the figure of “old money” and the idea of being the rich man with all of the weapons who stands for America itself, and suddenly Superman is the outlaw...
Das komplette Interview, das "Forbes"-Mitarbeiter Mark Hughes mit Grant Morrison führte gibt es HIER auf forbes.com!