Montag, 13. Juni 2011


Rags Morales' Cover für "Action Comics", Vol. 2 # 1 &
Meister Morrison

Auf der am Samstag in Los Angeles stattgefundenen "Hero Complex" Veranstaltung hat sich Autor Grant Morrison per Video-Botschaft an die Fans und Teilnehmer gewand; es ging natürlich um den im September stattfindenden "DC Neustart", und um Morrison's ACTION COMICS im Speziellen. Hier einige Auszüge aus seiner Botschaft:

"The first Action Comics in 1938 was the first-ever super-hero book, and I think what we want to do here is recreate that first-ever superhero, Superman, our greatest-ever idea as the human species, if you ask me.

To recreate that guy for the 21st century and to do something that's a little bit new and to maybe take a new look at something that people have big preconceptions about. To change some of the basics, to reintroduce some familiar faces in very unfamiliar ways, and to try and refresh some ideas that have maybe become so well-known that people think they've got it all figured out.

"We want to introduce a kind of take on Superman that's going to be so different that no one can expect what might happen next. One of the things we're going to do in this book is also to show you how Superman is, who he is, why he ended up wearing the costume that he wears. And to show kind of a different side to the character than we've ever seen before.

"The art's being done by Rags Morales, who people will be familiar with from "Identity Crisis". Basically, we want to approach this book, as the title suggests, as a big action comic. But to try and create a new language for comics, a new kind of philosophy, a new kind of approach to storytelling that will do things that only comics can do and that even movies can't match up with.

So this is really a big beginning; it's a new chapter for Superman, it's a new chapter for DC Comics and for the DC Universe itself. I hope everyone's going to get involved and join us into this ridiculous voyage into the unknown..."

(Mitschitte dieses Morrison-Videos, z.T. nur in "Schnipselform", sind auf YouTube zu finden.)

"ACTION COMICS" (vom Team Morrison / Morales) wird offensichtlich einige Jahre in der Vergangenheit angesiedelt sein und lt. DC Text "die Ursprünge des ersten Super-Helden der Welt" schildern (ähnlich wohl wie die ersten Ausgaben von Johns / Lees "Justice League" in Form einer Rückblende die Anfänge des Teams in diesem "neuen" DCU zeigen werden).

"SUPERMAN" (vom Team Peréz / Merino) hingegen schildert "aktuelle" Stories.