Donnerstag, 5. Januar 2012

Ergänzt: Trauer (nicht nur) in Entenhausen : Victor Arriagada Rios "Vicar" - R.I.P.

Der chilenische Cartoonist Victor Arriagada Rios, Donald Duck- Fans bekannt als "Vicar", ist am 03. Januar 2012 an den Folgen seiner Leukämie Erkrankung verstorben; er wurde 77 Jahre alt.

Bevor er 1960 nach Spanien umzog, arbeitete er unter anderem als politischer Karikaturist. Im Laufe der 60er Jahre begann er für den Verlag Gutenberghus / Egmont Disney Comics, speziell "Donald Duck", zu zeichnen.

Künstler - Legende Carl Barks galt selbst als erklärter Fan der Duck- Comics von Vicar und bezeichnete ihn als "den besten der modernen Duck- Zeichner".

Hier der Lebenslauf Vicars auf der website des Ehapa- Verlags.

Egmont Creative Center Editorial Director Anna Maria Vind zum Tode Vicars:

"Vicar was born in 1934, the same year as Donald Duck. He began drawing stories for Egmont in the early seventies – and for many, many years he was our main artist, when it came to bringing Donald and his family to life. He eventually became a lead artist and for more than 30 years, almost all weekly magazines started with a story drawn by Vicar. In fact, if it hadn’t been for Vicar, it would have been almost impossible to add new, great stories to the magazine every week.

Vicar’s strength was that he could make you believe you actually were in Duckburg, from the very first picture of a story. He could transform a good script to a fantastic comedy and a mediocre one to a really good read. He was the master of creating secondary characters and also added so many details and expression to his drawings, that you could enjoy the story, without having to read the voice balloons. A master storyteller and a master artist!

He identified himself passionately with the characters in Duckburg, to the point where he felt like a fellow citizen – and his love of the universe always shone through.

We will miss Vicar and we will miss his stories."

ERGÄNZUNG (06.01.2012):
Ein ausführlicher Nachruf auf den Künstler Vicar -gespickt mit vielen Anekdoten- findet sich in der heutigen Ausgabe des Berliner TAGESSPIEGEL: "Entenhausen trägt Trauer" von Lars Von Törne

Artwork by Vicar
"Donald Duck" (3) c) 2012 TWDC April: "Gay Republican Puerto Rican Transvestite Socialist For Jesus From Space" - GOON # 39