Mittwoch, 25. März 2009

10 Jahre später...

Am Ende des letzten Jahrtausends präsentierten wir in einer großen Ausstellung in unseren ehemaligen Galerie-Räumen in der Zossener Strasse in Kreuzberg die südafrikanischen BITTERKOMIX. Nun ist uns diese Publikation aus Südafrika "ins Haus geflattert", die wir allen an eigenwilliger Grafik Interessierten schwer ans Herz legen:

Anton Kannemeyer & Conrad Botes: The Big Bad Bitterkomix Handbook
Verlag: Jacana Media 2006
ISBN: 978-1-77009-303-4
DIN A4, Paperback, 224 Seiten in Farbe
44,95 Euro

Over the last ten years, Bitterkomix has been (as one critic remarks) "consistently challenging and outrageous, undeniably brilliant, and impossible to ignore". Internationally, the Bitterkomix duo of Anton Kannemeyer and Conrad Botes stand at the forefront of the new international expressionist comix movement. Locally, they have raised a storm of controversy through their assault on the Afrikaner cultural mainstream, which they have developed into a broader critique of South African society.

Showcasing the brilliant and controversial existence of one of the world’s most famous political “comix” magazines, this anthology exhibits the wide range of published material including covers, postcards, posters, and drawings from the creators’ personal sketchbooks. The collection is a testament to the contentious history of Bitterkomix and its attacks on the Afrikaner culture and language, branching into its biting criticisms on South African society itself. Undeniably brilliant and often outrageous, the art content from Bitterkomix is interspersed with essays and articles by artists and poets, such as Antjie Krog and Ryk Hattingh. The resultant book is an essential chronicle, catalogue, and visual cornucopia of the work of the Bitterkomix artists and creators.

Zuletzt waren die BITTERKOMIX in Angoulême 2009 mit einer großen Ausstellung vertreten, bei france24 gibt's dazu einen schönen Artikel und ein Interview!