Relaunchs, Reboots, Neu-Starts etc. etc. scheinen ja bei den Amis zur Zeit groß in Mode zu sein; jetzt kündigt sogar Dark Horse für seinen HELLBOY eine Art "Neu-Start" an...
Following the first issue of the game-changing arc in the Hellboy series, Dark Horse wants to prepare retailers for the full run of a series they won’t want to miss! Bringing an epic conclusion to the story line that began in Darkness Calls back in 2008, Hellboy: The Fury will change the Hellboy universe forever!
Dark Horse will offer up an ultra-rare, exclusive variant cover of the third issue for any retailer whose order numbers for issue #3 match their order for issue #1. These are guaranteed to be one of the most sought-after covers in the history of the series!
HELLBOY: THE FURY # 1 ist bereits bei uns erhältlich; die Ausgaben # 2 + 3 folgen!