"Archie" # 635 & "Life With Archie" Magazine # 16
...und die "Kontroverse" um die neuen Charactere und Storylines innerhalb der "ARCHIE" - Comic Book & -Magazin- Reihen geht weiter.
Amerikanische konservative Vereinigungen (wie etwa "onemillionmums" oder "American Family Association") wettern via Internet oder Auftritten in Fernseh-Shows gegen die Story im aktuellen "Life With Archie" Magazin # 16, in dem gezeigt wird, wie Archie- Cliquen- Mitglied KEVIN KELLER seinen Freund heiratet.
(Anm.: die Stories in der "Life With Archie"-Magazin-Reihe sind "Soap Opera"-lastiger als die Stories in den regulären Comic Books, und zeigen die Entwicklung der Comic Book- Charactere aus dem Städtchen Riverdale in möglichen Zukunfts-Szenarien; d.h. auch: die Figuren sind hier etwas älter (quasi "Twentysomethings") als in den Standard-Heftchen-Geschichten des Verlags. Trotz "reiferer" / erwachsenerer Storylines, sind die Geschichten im Magazin aber "Familientauglich" gehalten (also gibt es z.B. keine Sex-Szenen o.ä.; mehr als Händchen-halten, küssen usw. wird nicht gezeigt.) und "trotzdem" unterhaltsam.
...umso unverständlicher, das gewisse (politische) Gruppierungen in den USA es nicht lassen können, stets gegen "zu populäre Darstellungen" von Minderheiten (Schwule, Lesben, Schwarze, Juden etc. etc.) in den Medien (hier: Comics) herumzuwettern.
So wird die US- Spielzeug-Laden-Kette "Toys ‘R’ Us" derzeit von konservativen Gruppen aufgefordert, ARCHIE Comics aus dem Verkauf zu nehmen (eben wg. der Figur KEVIN KELLER bzw. der "Gay Marriage"-Stories im Magazin), ansonsten würde man zum Boykott der Shops aufrufen; hier ein Auszug aus dem Gestammel dieser Organisation:
"Select Toys ‘R’ Us stores are now selling ‘Archie’ comic books with a same-sex wedding displayed on the front cover. The front cover reads “Just Married” with two men marrying and one is wearing a service uniform. This comic book is being sold in select stores across the country...
...Unfortunately, children are now being exposed to same-sex marriage in a toy store. This is the last place a parent would expect to be confronted with questions from their children on topics that are too complicated for them to understand. Issues of this nature are being introduced too early and too soon, which is becoming extremely common and unnecessary.
A trip to the toy store turns into a premature discussion on sexual orientation and is completely uncalled for. Toys ‘R’ Us should be more responsible in the products they carry.
Please send Toys ‘R’ Us an email letter requesting they remove all the same-sex “Just Married – Archie” comic books immediately from their shelves.
Send Your Letter Now!
NOTE: If you see a commercial or program which is offensive, email us the information. Many of you have done this, and it is very helpful.
die offizielle website "onemillionmoms.com" (enthält auch einen Link zum "Formbrief" den man ausgefüllt an die böse, böse Leitung von "Toys ‘R’ Us" senden kann)!
Übrigens besteht "onemillionmoms"aus weitaus weniger als "einer Million" Mitgliedern, und NÖ ...! "Mütter" sind die meißten dort eigentlich auch nicht, sondern eher Schlips-tragende Spießer.
Inzwischen gibt's auch eine erste offizielle Reaktion des Verlags Archie Pblg. in Gestalt von John Goldwater, Co - CEO of Archie Comics :
“We stand by Life with Archie #16. As I’ve said before, Riverdale is a safe, welcoming place that does not judge anyone. It’s an idealized version of America that will hopefully become reality someday.
We’re sorry the American Family Association/OneMillionMoms.com feels so negatively about our product, but they have every right to their opinion, just like we have the right to stand by ours.
Kevin Keller will forever be a part of Riverdale, and he will live a happy, long life free of prejudice, hate and narrow-minded people.“
...und hier noch eine kleine Auswahl an Kommentaren aus dem Internet zu der ganzen Angelegenheit (auch Comic - Künstler und - Shop Besitzer mischen sich jetzt in die "Dauer"-Debatte ein):
"God created marriaage as one man one woman period"
"@mm: Actually, MAN created marriage AND god."-JG
"Like it or not, this is the world we live in and your kids, and many of the kids reading Archie are probably going to know someone in, be invited to, or be part of a gay marriage at some point in their lives. It’s happening, its a part of our society now and seriously, get over it.
It takes all of a minute to explain to kids that some people are born differently and will have different relationships than those of their parents. No graphic details necessary as most kids will only ask what they’re ready to know about. You can save the talk about anal when they’re older… just as you would when talking about hetero relationships."
-Pia Guerra (Y- THE LAST MAN)
"These people really need a new hobby, other than bashing gay people."-Dawnelldo
"Not only is it a gay couple, it's an inter-racial gay couple! Won't someone think of the children! "
"This small number of women who inexplicably call themselves a ‘million’ are trying to use bully tactics to silence a positive message at a time when lgbtq kids desperately need them.
Screw them, of COURSE they’re bigots.
I don’t care what world they want to pretend they live in, in the real world, the one that exists, they don’t get to decide what human beings are allowed to be seen as television hosts or comic book characters.
They don’t get to shame and scare us all back into the 1950’s.
I say today is Occupy Riverdale Day. When you pick up your new comics, please consider buying one or several Archie comics, and be sure to tell your retailer you support what Archie is doing. Same thing at Toys R Us.
Your retailer is much more interested in what his customers support than what a group of people are upset about who would never go in his or her shop in the first place.
Support Archie for the great stuff they have been doing lately (and it doesn’t hurt that they are doing some dang entertaining comics!)."
"Being a comics fan is the real alternative lifestyle. Being gay isn’t.
It’s good to be intolerant of Intolerance. "
-Ian B.
"As a retailer I simply won’t stock any Archie comics with The Kevin character in them , I stock the rest , as a matter of fact I’m the only store in my state that has a dedicated young readers section. The reason I don’t stock any controversial issues is my city is a conservative city ...."
-Toddy B. (Comic Shop Owner)
"Why do you hate America and freedom....? With every fact you introduce into this conversation you drive the nails deeper into Jesus hands and feet."
-Tariq L.
Die ARCHIE- Titel (Heftchen-Reihen, Magazine, Taschenbücher, Paperbacks) gibt's regelmäßig via US-Import bei uns in der Torstraße!
Mehr Infos zu den Archie Comics hatten wir erst kürzlich HIER!
UPDATE (02.03.2012):
Inzwischen wird gemeldet das "LIFE WITH ARCHIE" # 16 auf Verlags- & Vetriebs-Ebene ausverkauft ist. (Die letzten Exemplare gibt's noch bei uns im Verkauf!)