1 ) Detective Comics # 853, (by Neil Gaiman!) DC
2 ) Buffy Season 8 # 24, Dark Horse
3 ) The Flash: Rebirth # 1 (of 5) (1st print, 2 covers), DC
4 ) Seaguy: The Slaves Of Mickey Eye # 1 (of 3), DC / Vertigo
5 ) Batman: Battle For The Cowl # 2 (of 3), DC
6 ) 100 Bullets # 100 (final extra-sized issue), DC / Vertigo
7 ) Irredeemable # 1 (1st print / 3 covers), Boom! Studios
8 ) Final Crisis: Legion Of Three Worlds #4 (of 5) (2 covers), DC
9 ) Captain America Comics 70th Anniversary Special #1, Marvel
Sub-Mariner Comics 70th Anniversary Special # 1, Marvel
10) Rampaging Wolverine # 1 , Marvel