John Stanley Library: Thirteen Going on Eighteen HC
Preis: 22,95 Euro
In the early to mid-1960s, John Stanley turned his attentions to drawing and writing his own series, specifically Melvin Monster, Around the Block with Dunc and Loo, Kookie, and the most interesting of these titles, Thirteen Going on Eighteen, rather than working with already established licensed characters he is most well known for such as Little Lulu. D+Q has embarked on an archival series of Stanley’s comics including Melvin Monster, Around the Block with Dunc and Loo, Kookie and Thirteen Going on Eighteen. Thirteen Going on Eighteen focuses on the friendship and rivalry of two teenage girls, Val and Judy. Each comic is a darkly hilarious look at the social maneuverings and betrayals of the teen set. Stanley’s stripped down approach perfectly captures the fever pitch of teenage years. He creates a teenage sit-com and turns it into an anguished character study.(D&Q)