COCKBONE von Josh Simmons: Vielleicht ist das sowas wie das Texas Chainsaw Massacre des Comics, oder jedenfalls das, was dieses filmische Meisterwerk von Tobe Hooper für den FILM vor fast 40 Jahren geleistet hat: A family that slays together, stays together. Josh Simmons ergänzt diese These um das fuck together...
It was one of the best comics you never read last year, meint Sean T. Collins von Robot 6. Please note: This is perhaps the most disturbing comic I have ever read, and it's way, way beyond NOT SAFE FOR WORK. I'm serious — this nightmarish cocktail of sexual violence and depravity will upset you. Badly. Just remember: You've been warned.

Zuerst veröffentlicht im vergangenen Jahr in dem kleinen, amerikanischen Schmuddelheft SLEAZY SLICE #3, das im Moment nicht mehr vorrätig ist, das wir auf Wunsch aber gerne nachbestellen (Preis ca. 8 Euro).
The art here is highly reminiscent of Chester Brown's work on Ed the Happy Clown, positioning small characters inside dense, sometimes askew panel arrangements, all the better for sedating the gory sexuality at hand into a sort of absurdity, although Simmons is not as interested in overt comedic fantasy. Rather, his dazed hero (w' enhanced appendage) is a naif caught up in parental struggles, just as his world is beat down by a conflict few seem to have control over. And while he shows a heart of steel, it's ultimately futile in Simmons' fallen world, even with the eventual introduction of magic - all the good ones are slaves to disease, sexual, metaphorical and otherwise.
it's an impressively fucked-up little comic and definitely worth a read.->