Diamond Digital plans to sell via comic shops day-and-date digital comics that will be exclusive for 30 days. Readable via the Web or on devices included iPhone and iPad, these products are expected to sell for $1.99. "Digital Plus" editions - digital copies available with the purchase of a hard copy - will sell for $0.99.
Diamond Digital plans to launch in July, 2011.
At the moment, participating publishers include Ape Entertainment, Archie Comics, Aspen Comics, Bluewater Productions, Broadsword Comics, Hermes Press, IDW Publishing, Moonstone Comics, NBM Publishing, Papercutz, Red 5 Comics, Studio Foglio, Titan Books, TOKYOPOP, Top Cow Productions and Top Shelf Productions.
Auf Twitter scheint das nicht so große Begeisterung auszulösen...
- so diamond expects me to go to a physical comic shop to buy digital comics? this seems destined to #FAIL
- Leave it to Diamond to come up with a system whereby you have to go to a store to buy a digital comic. #MissingTheFuckingPoint
- Very interesting, but alas, without Marvel and DC, it's kinda not a big deal.
... und ob es Diamond bis dahin endlich schafft den Previews-Katalog online zu stellen?