Julia Wertz
The Infinite Wait and Other Stories
Koyama Press
ISBN 9780987963024 / 0987963023
228 Seiten / Paperback
14,95 Euro
Schon seit Jahren schätzen wir das Werk dieser US-amerikanischen Zeichnerin - nun endlich ist auch ihr neuestes Werk bei uns erhältlich:
"The main story in this book is about being diagnosed with systemic lupus in 2003, a story that I originally started almost 10 years ago and then put on the back burner while I went and made a buncha trouble in real life. When I was done with that racket, I revisited the story and decided to flesh it out and do a book.
By that time, I was working with a big publisher and I approached them and others with the idea, and was promptly told it was not mass marketable and that I should try doing something else more appealing.
I don’t think that satisfying creativity is made in the confines of “mass marketability” unless that’s already an avenue the creator has pursued or easily falls into and I had no interest in working like that, so I took my book idea to Annie Koyama of Koyama Press and she enthusiastically agreed to publish it.
I’m grateful for my time with a big publisher but I’m incredibly happy to be back with “my people” who’s work and passion (what a gross word, sorry) lay in comics, whether they’re a hit or not.
The publication of this book was done in the regular comics way (read, no money involved) until the book goes on sale. Although it’s not a lucrative way to make money on a project, it is satisfying to know I’m seeing money from what I sell, not from what people it suits think I might sell.
There’s been a lot of talk about how comics were briefly swept up into big publishing and are now going back to their roots with small/boutique presses, and I’m happy to say I’m one of them."

Das andere Buch ist der langerwartete Sammelband des Xeric-Award-Preisträgers 2006:

Aron Nels Steinke
Big Plans - The Collected Mini-Comics and More
Bridge City Comics
ISBN 0985934700 / 9780985934705
360 Seiten / Paperback
17,95 Euro
Laugh-out-loud funny, chilling, and meditative, Big Plans collects Aron Nels Steinke's most intimate and relatable stories: The entire five-issue run of Big Plans series (Big Plans #1 - #5) and stories from Papercutter #9, Nerd Burglar, Song-Zine and Runner Runner.
With a unique sense of timing, these are incredibly readable comics that are hard to put down. Stories ranging from fear of terrorism, alcoholism, and a shooting at the mall, to a behind the curtain's look at the Academy Awards, Big Plans stands out as one of the most compelling works to come out of the modern DIY movement.
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