Mark Waid hat der US-website Ain’t It Cool News ein ausführliches Interview gegeben; der interessanteste Teil behandelt seinen Weggang von DC und Dan Didios Auffassung was unter einem "guten Comic" zu verstehen ist...
DAS muß man mal gelesen haben; hier der Org.-Wortlaut:
"The biggest challenge [of "52"] was actually, wisely, kept from us by [editor] Steve [Wacker]. EIC Dan Didio, who first championed the concept, hated what we were doing.
"The biggest challenge [of "52"] was actually, wisely, kept from us by [editor] Steve [Wacker]. EIC Dan Didio, who first championed the concept, hated what we were doing.
H-A-T-E-D "52". Would storm up and down the halls telling everyone how much he hated it. And Steve, God bless him, kept us out of the loop on that particular drama. [Editor Michael] Siglain, having less seniority, was less able to do so, and there’s one issue of 52 near the end that was written almost totally by Dan and Keith Giffen because none of the writers could plot it to Dan’s satisfaction. Which was and is his prerogative as EIC, but man, there’s little more demoralizing than taking the ball down to the one-yard line and then being benched by the guy who kept referring to COUNTDOWN as ‘52 done right.’”
...dem ist eigentlich nichts mehr hinzuzufügen. Im Nachhinein machen so auch andere grenzwertige Entscheidungen von Mr. Didio Sinn (wie z.B. das redaktionelle Chaos, das Mark Waid's ansonsten exzellente Maxi-Serie "SUPERMAN: BIRTHRIGHT" begleitete; oder die häufigen Autoren-Wechsel -z.B. bei den Titans-, die "Chaos-Tage" im DCU während die grauenhafte "Countdown"-weekly-Serie lief usw.) Traum-Job Chef-Redakteur bei einem US-Verlag sein: Kaum Ahnung haben, aber davon reichlich... Vielleicht sollten Quesada und Didio 'mal die Arbeitsplätze tauschen?
Foto: Der "Wally West"-FLASH war nie erfolgreicher als unter der "Regie" von Autor Mark Waid
Foto c) 2009 Aint It Cool News & MW