Hier eine Auswahl von "Studio Ghibli"-Titeln, die in den nächsten Tagen eintreffen und in unseren beiden Filialen zu erwerben sind:
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TOTORO Wall Calendar 2010
DIN B3 / 13 Seiten / 19,95 €
Bestellnr. CL-201
STUDIO GHIBLI Wall Calendar 2010
DIN A2 / 29 Seiten / 29,95 €
Bestellnr. CL-203
An extra huge, and extra beautiful, calendar from Hayao Miyazaki! Each page features an incredibly detailed illustration by the staff of Ghibli, featuring scenes from their films. And the illustrations are not stock cels already used in the films, but totally new cel-painted works, showing new pictures never seen before, and often new insight into classic old stories and characters!
TOTORO - BLANCO ASOBI / "Swing under Tree" Calendar 2010
16x15 cm / 13 Seiten / 24,95 €
Bestellnr. CL-296
This calendar features the Japanese holidays written in the original Japanese language and is mounted on a ceramic 3D Studio Ghibli display. This years theme features the magical Totoro swinging under a tree in the forest.
TOTORO - MORI NO ISSHUKAN / "A Week in Forest" Calendar 2010
13x13 cm / 13 Seiten / 18,95 €
Bestellnr. CL-297
This calendar features the Japanese holidays written in the original Japanese language and is mounted on a ceramic 3D Studio Ghibli display. This years theme features the magical Totoro enjoying a week in the forest. After the calendar is done, you can also use this as a decorative picture frame as well!
12x9 cm / 13 Seiten/ 18,95 €
Bestellnr. CL-298
This calendar features the Japanese holidays written in the original Japanese language and is mounted on a ceramic 3D Studio Ghibli display. This years theme features Jiji taking a nap next to a photoframe that's used as a calendar. After the calendar is done, you can also use this as a decorative picture frame as well!