Und nun wie letzte Woche zwei Comictipps aus der gestrigen US Lieferung.
The Bun Field

An introduction to the work of a new artist not to be missed. Characterized by an intriguing disjointed rhythm and delicious pencil- smudged style, The Bun Field is defined by a surreal ebb and flow, possessing a deep sense of foreboding and hurt, yet maintaining a biting sense of humor. Amanda Vahamaki's first graphic novel is infused with a sense of abbreviated adolescence and a kind of gray- sky banality. In this story, a young girl dreams of a dinosaur eating Donald Duck; wakes to find a bald, hulking stranger sharing her breakfast; leaves to take a car trip with a bear; falls and breaks a tooth, to have it replaced by an impatient dentist - from his dog's mouth no less; and pays back the favor by plowing a field of buns. Young people and anthropomorphic animals commingle in dreamy landscapes, performing mundane tasks that are skewed with an absurd and fantastic edge. Vahamaki's unique ideas are equally matched by her tactile drawings, creating a palpable world that is fresh and compelling.
ISBN: 1897299389 / 9781897299388
Preis: 12,95 Euro
Supermen! The First Wave of Comic - Book - Heroes (1939-1941)

The enduring cultural phenomenon of comic book heroes was invented in the late 1930s by a talented and hungry group of artists and writers barely out of their teens, flying by the seat of their pants to create something new, exciting, and above all profitable. The iconography and mythology they created flourishes to this day in comic books, video, movies, fine art, advertising, and practically all other media. Supermen! collects the best and the brightest of this first generation, including Jack Cole, Will Eisner, Bill Everett, Lou Fine, Fletcher Hanks, Jack Kirby, Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster, and Basil Wolverton. If the reader is expecting to find an All- American group of altruistic do-gooders, he in for quite a jolt. As Jonathan Lethem writes in his Foreword, "A collection like Supermen! works like a reverse- neutron bomb to assumptions about the birth of the superhero image: it tears down the orderly structures of theory and history and leaves the figures standing in full view, staring back at us in all their defiant disorienting particularity, their blazing strangeness." Beautifully designed and produced in full color, Supermen! contains twenty full- length stories, ten full- sized covers, a generous selection of vintage promotional ads, and comprehensive end notations by editor Greg Sadowski, making it indispensable to anyone interested in the origins of superheroes and the history of the comic book form.
ISBN: 1560979712 / 9781560979715
Preis: 24,95 Euro