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Amazing Disappearing Heroes |
DC informierte einige Comic-Händler per e-mail darüber, das der Verlag nun endgültig seine Geschäftsbeziehung zum (bisherigen "Exklusiv"-) Vertrieb Diamond Comic Distributors beendet hat!
Dem stets gut informierten Entertainment-Branchen-Fachblatt "The Hollywood Reporter" zufolge wird DC seine diversen Comic Books, Collected Edtions etc. künftig nur noch über die beiden (bisher) nur regional tätigen US-Vertriebe "Lunar Distribution" und "UCS Comic Distributors" vertreiben (beide liefern nur in Nordamerika aus!); hinter diesen sogenannten "Vertrieben" verbergen sich tatsächlich aber große Online-Versand-Comichändler (und somit eigentlich Konkurrenten der kleineren US- Comic-Shops; wahrhaft "exzellent" von DC ausgewählt, die Händler werden sich bedanken.).
Die Collected Editions (TPs und HCs) wird man künftig über den Buch Vertrieb von "Penguin Random House" abwickeln.
“We recognize that, to many of you, this may seem like a momentous decision. However, we can assure you that this change in DC’s distribution plans has not been made lightly and follows a long period of thought and consideration. The change of direction is in line with DC’s overall strategic vision intended to improve the health of, and strengthen, the Direct Market as well as grow the number of fans who read comics worldwide.
In the near term, Diamond will only be fulfilling orders placed through June 1 Final Order Cut-Off and will not solicit the sale of new DC titles further. To ensure a smooth transition for retailers, DC will suspend Final Order Cut-Off for June 8, making those books available to order on Final Order Cut-Off on June 15.”
"After 25 years, DC and Diamond Comic Distributors are ending their long-standing relationship. Moving forward, comic book retailers can obtain their DC books from Penguin Random House, or their books and periodicals through Lunar or UCS comic book distributors. DC continues to be committed to providing the Direct Market with best in class service and the fans with the world’s greatest comic books", ergänzt ein ungenannter DC Mitarbeiter.
Wie Comic-Shops in Europa künftig zeitnah (= US-Erstverkaufstag auch Erst-Verkaufstag bei uns!) an die DC Sachen herankommen sollen (DCs neue wundersame "Vertriebs"-firmen liefern nur gegen hohen Obulus außerhalb Nordamerikas aus!) verrät uns dieser "Jubel-"Text aus DCs PR-Maschine leider nicht!
Diamond Gründer Steve Geppi ergänzt dazu:
“DC, in their last contract renewal a year-and-a-half ago, asked to add a clause where they could get out of the exclusive part with 60 days notice with no reason needed. We agreed. Then the pandemic came on, and they exercised that option. They’re non-exclusive, and that allowed them to sell to those others. That was that...”
UPDATED (08.06.'20):
“...In April, we were informed that DC was going to begin distributing products through additional partners. At that time, they asked us to submit a proposal for a revised agreement with the understanding that Diamond would continue to be one of their distributors. Which we promptly did.
They then requested an extension to June 30 which we also accommodated.
Last week, DC requested an additional extension through July. We responded with questions and DC indicated they would reply today, June 5.
Instead of receiving a response, today we received a termination notice....
...While we had anticipated this as a possible outcome, we, like so many others in the industry, are disappointed by their decision to end our partnership so abruptly at this time.
Although we had hoped to reach an agreement with DC, every great change also presents great opportunity! Rest assured, Diamond is a strong company and our success does not depend on the actions of one business partner. While we recognize this change impacts the industry, we are well-positioned to seize growth opportunities and are committed to the success of our publishing partners, the Direct Market and our industry as a whole. ”
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...künftig mit 100% weniger DC |
UPDATE (20.06.'20):
...inzwischen haben sich DC Entertainment und der "Diamond" Vertrieb darauf verständigt, das zumindest all jene Comic Shops in Europa, die ihre DC Comics bisher über den europäischen Ableger "Diamond UK" bezogen haben, dies auch weiterhin können...
allerdings nur befristet bis Mitte Dezember 2020 (spätestens dann müssen europäische Comic Shops zu einem der beiden von DC bevorzugten US- Vertriebe gewechselt haben, sofern sie auch weiterhin Publikationen des Verlages anbieten wollen!)
...inzwischen haben sich DC Entertainment und der "Diamond" Vertrieb darauf verständigt, das zumindest all jene Comic Shops in Europa, die ihre DC Comics bisher über den europäischen Ableger "Diamond UK" bezogen haben, dies auch weiterhin können...
allerdings nur befristet bis Mitte Dezember 2020 (spätestens dann müssen europäische Comic Shops zu einem der beiden von DC bevorzugten US- Vertriebe gewechselt haben, sofern sie auch weiterhin Publikationen des Verlages anbieten wollen!)