Jack Davis, der (auch) in Deutschland besonders durch seine zahlreichen Beiträge für das MAD Magazin bekannte Zeichner, ist gestern verstorben; er wurde 91 Jahre alt. Hier der Nachruf seiner Kollegen des (US-) MAD Magazine:
"It is with great sadness that we note the passing this morning of long-time legendary MAD artist Jack Davis.
Jack was one of the founding members of MAD Magazine’s “Usual Gang of Idiots.” An enormously gifted and versatile artist, Davis’ work appeared in the very first issue of MAD and virtually every issue over the next four decades.
“There wasn’t anything Jack couldn’t do,” said MAD editor John Ficarra. “Front covers, caricatures, sports scenes, monsters — his comedic range was just incredible. His ability to put energy and motion into his drawings, his use of cross-hatching and brush work, and his bold use of color made him truly one of the greats.”
“More than any one piece, it was Jack’s immediately recognizable style that revolutionized comic illustration,” said MAD art director, Sam Viviano. “There is not a humorous illustrator in the past 50 years who hasn’t been influenced by him.”
A list of Jack’s most legendary pieces would run several pages in length. Among his most iconic parodies from MAD’s comic book days are of The Lone Ranger and High Noon. From the magazine, his notable parodies include spoofs of Raiders of the Lost Ark, Gone with the Wind, and M*A*S*H.
Jack’s final cover for MAD, depicting Howard Stern being plunged into a toilet bowl by Alfred E. Neuman, is beloved by Stern and remains a MAD classic.
“Jack will always be remembered for his charming modesty and southern gentleman manner — which completely belied his rascally sense of humor and wry wit,” said Ficarra.
Everyone at MAD and DC Entertainment send their heartfelt condolences to Jack’s wife, Dena, and the entire Davis family."

Eine (kleine) Auswahl seiner Arbeiten: erste Profi-Arbeit in 1949 für ein internes "in-house" Coca-Cola booklet. Zeichner (und gelegentlich auch Autor) für diverse Titel von EC Comics in den 50ern ("Frontline Combat", "Two Fisted Tales", "Haunt of Fear", "Vault of Horror", "Crime Illustrated"). Daran anschließend jahrzehntelange Mitarbeit am MAD Magazin und bei verschiedenen Magazinen von Warren Publications ("Creepy", "Eerie"). Davis verstand sich aber nicht nur als Comic-Zeichner sondern auch als Karikaturist; in dieser Funktion gestaltete er zahlreiche Titelbilder für Magazine und Zeitschriften wie "Life", "Ebony", "Time", "Esquire", "Playboy", "True West", "Frontier Times", "TV Guide". Dazu kamen viele Buch- und Schallplatten- Covers und auch Film-Plakate (z.B. "It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World", "The Russians are Coming", "Heaven Can Wait", "Kelly's Heroes", "Woody Allan's Bananas", "The Producers" usw.). Als bekennender MAD-Fan und -Sammler bestand Regisseur George Lucas Anfang der 70er Jahre darauf, das eines der Werbe-Plakat-Motive zu seinem Film "American Graffiti" von Jack Davis gestaltet wurde...

Eine Übersicht über Jack Davis' Schaffen als Comic-Künstler findet ihr z.B. via der Grand Comic Book Database, HIER!
John Burton "Jack" Davis, Jr.
2. Dezember 1924 – 27. Juli 2016