Hier nun -ohne "Bewertung" meinerseits- wieder 'mal eine Übersicht der im UNFUG bestverkauften US- und UK- Import Comic Books und Magazine.
Unsere "TOP 20" der vergangenen paar Monate...
1) The Star Wars (Lucas Draft) (Dark Horse)
2) The Sandman - Overture (Vertigo / DC)
3) Batman (DC)
4) Forever Evil (DC)
5) Justice League (DC)
6) Batwoman (DC)
7) Animal Man (DC)
8) Trillium (Vertigo / DC)
9) The Wake (Vertigo / DC)
10) Saga (Image)
11) Jupiter's Legacy (Image)
12) Hinterkind (Vertigo / DC)
13) Three (Image)
14) Smallville Season Eleven (DC)
15) Sex Criminals (Image)
16) Detective Comics (DC)
17) Action Comics (DC)
18) The X-Files Season Ten (IDW)
19) Sex (Image)
20) Shaolin Cowboy (Dark Horse)
* * * * *
1) MAD magazine (DC Comics)
2) DC Automobilia: Batman (Eaglemoss, UK)
3) Alter Ego (TwoMorrow Pblg.)
4) Back Issue! (TwoMorrow Pblg.)
5) Comic Book Creator (TwoMorrow Pblg.)
6) Juxtapoz
7) Illustration Magazine
8) SFX
9) Star Wars Insider (UK)
10) Adventure Time Magazine (UK)
...und hier die bei uns populärsten US- & UK- Heft-Serien,
aufgeschlüsselt nach Verlagen:
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Dark Horse Comics:
1) The Star Wars (Lucas Draft)
2) Shaolin Cowboy
3) Star Wars (regular monthly)
4) Elfquest Special: The Final Quest
5) Hellboy ...
6) Lobster Johnson...
7) B.P.R.D. (ongoing)
8) Abe Sapien
9) DHP - Dark Horse Presents
10) Buffy Season Nine
* * * * *
DC Comics:
1) Batman
2) Forever Evil
3) Justice League
4) Batwoman
5) Animal Man
6) Smallville Season Eleven
7) Detective Comics (feat. Batman)
8) Action Comics (feat. Superman)
9) Swamp Thing
10) Wonder Woman
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Vertigo (DC):
1) The Sandman - Overture
2) Trillium
3) The Wake
4) Hinterkind
5) Astro City
6) Coffin Hill
7) FBP: Federal Bureau Of Physics
8) American Vampire Anthology
9) 100 Bullets: Brother Lono
10) Fables
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IDW Publishing:
1) The X-Files Season Ten
2) Rocketeer... (vers. Mini-Serien)
3) Powerpuff Girls
4) Samuraii Jack
5) Star Trek
6) My Little Pony
7) Popeye Classic
8) Hero Comics
9) Popeye
10) Godzilla...
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Image Comics:1) Saga
2) Jupiter's Legacy
3) Three
4) Sex Criminals
5) Sex
6) Fatale
7) Ghosted
8) Satellite Sam
9) Manhattan Projects
10) East Of West
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Marvel:1) Infinity
2) X-Men (by B. Wood)
3) FF
4) Hawkeye
5) Deadpool
6) Mighty Avengers
7) Daredevil
8) New Avengers
9) Young Avengers
10) X-Men: Battle Of The Atom
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Boom! Studios:
1) Herobear & The Kid
2) Adventure Time
3) Steed & Mrs. Peel (tv's Avengers)
4) RoboCop: Last Stand
5) The Peanuts
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1) Kings Watch
2) Battlestar Galactica (Classic)
3) Grimm
4) Uncanny
5) Warlord Of Mars
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1) God Is Dead (Avatar)
2) Death Sentence (Titan Comics, UK)
3) Letter 44 (Oni Press)
4) All Crime Comics (Artoffiction)
5) Simpsons Oneshot Wonders (Bongo Comics)