Optic Nerve - Shortcomings TP
Bestellnummer: 98859
Preis: 14,95

Verglichen mit Serien wie Batman oder Spidey interessierte sich niemand so wirklich für die Teile obwohl in den Comics geniale Zeichner und Autoren zu finden waren. Glücklicherweise legt Dark Horse seit einiger Zeit die beiden Serien als Hardcover-Bände auf.
CREEPY ARCHIVES Vol. 01 (Hardcover)
Bestellnummer: 92248
ISBN 1593079737 / 9781593079734
Preis 44,95 Euro
Gather up your wooden stakes, your blood-covered hatchets, and all the skeletons in the darkest depths of your closet, and prepare for a horrifying adventure into the darkest corners of comics history. Dark Horse Comics further corners the market on high quality horror storytelling with one of the most anticipated releases of the decade, a hardcover archive collection of legendary Creepy Magazine. This groundbreaking material turned the world of graphic storytelling on its head in the early 1960s, as phenomenal young artists like Bernie Wrightson and Neal Adams reached new artistic heights with their fascinating explorations of classic and modern horror stories. Brilliant, classic Creepy stories from 1964-1966 are now
raised from the dead after twenty-five years, with work by such comics luminaries as Joe Orlando, Al Williamson, Alex Toth, and Frank Frazetta. Volume One reprints the first five terrifying issues of the magazine's original run, reprinted in the original magazine size!
The Creepy Archives Vol. 02 HC
Bestellnummer: 95669
ISBN: 1595821686 / 9781595821683
Preis: 44,95 Euro
The Creepy Archives Vol. 03 HC (soll im Frühjahr 2009 erscheinen)
Vorbestellnummer: 97552
Preis: ca 45,- Euro
The Creepy Archives Vol. 04 HC (soll im Sommer 2009 erscheinen)
Vorbestellnummer: 98790
Preis: ca 45,- Euro
EERIE ARCHIVES Vol. 01 (Hardcover)
Bestellnummer: 96953
ISBN: 1595822453 / 978-1595822451
Preis: 44,95 Euro
Slithering upon the heels of the archive collections of the seminal horror comics magazine Creepy comes this terror- filled cousin publication, Eerie! Collected for fans for the first time ever, and packaged in the same amazing oversized format as the Creepy Archives, the publisher has taken great, gruesome care in presenting this groundbreaking material to readers who have been waiting decades to get their claws on it. Eerie magazine, like its killer kin Creepy, features work from many of the masters of comics storytelling. For fans of spectacular spookiness, mind- bending sci-fi, and astonishing artwork, the Eerie Archives library is a must have. Includes the work of Gray Morrow, Frank Frazetta, Alex Toth, Neal Adams, Joe Orlando, and others! Collects Eerie 1-5. Hardcover, b&w.
Eerie Archives Vol. 02 (soll im Sommer 2009 erscheinen)
Vorbestellnummer: 99559
ISBN 1595823158 / 9781595823151
Preis: ca 45,- Euro
Fazit: Wem DC Archives oder Marvel Masterworks zu öde oder einfach zu unüberschaubar geworden sind sollte sich diese Bände mal ansehen, ich kann zwar nicht garantieren das wir immer alle am Lager haben aber ein Exemplar wird bestimmt vorrätig sein.