IDW, seit Jahren erfolgreicher Verleger klassischer US- Zeitungs- Comics- Strips (wie etwa "Terry & The Pirates", "Dick Tracy", "Annie" etc.) wird -in Kooperation mit DC COMICS- erstmals ALLE, wirklich alle jemals veröffentlichten DC- Zeitungs-Comics in voluminösen Hardcover- Bänden nachdrucken. Das wird ein Fest für Fans und Sammler klassischer Comics (zumal gut 90% dieser Comics seit der Erstveröffentlichung noch nie wiederveröffentlicht wurden!) Superman, Batman und Wonder Woman sind die einzigen Super-Helden, deren Abenteuer kontinuierlich -ohne Unterbrechungen - seit 1938 (Superman), 1939 (Batman) bzw. 1940 (WW) veröffentlicht werden!
Come to the Library of American Comics
The Classic Newspaper Adventures of DC's Biggest Heroes Launch this July!
Library of American Comics and DC Entertainment proudly announce the
beginning of a new partnership to reprint some of the rarest DC Comics
stories - the
Superman, Batman, and
Wonder Woman newspaper strips.
"We're thrilled to announce a comprehensive publishing program for these
historic strips," said Greg Goldstein, IDW President and COO.
Library of American Comics is the premier home for archival newspaper
strips and this new partnership with DC Entertainment further cements
the imprint's reputation as second to none."
At the same time that
Superman, Batman, and
Wonder Woman became the
world's most famous and recognizable superheroes in comic books in the
1940s and beyond, they also starred in runs of newspaper comic strips,
most of which have not been seen since they first appeared.
The Man of Steel's newspaper adventures ran for
more than 25 years, from
1939 until 1966. Only about 10% of these strips have ever been
reprinted. The complete comics will be released in three sub-sets,
starting with
The Silver Age, then
The Atomic Age, and finally,
The Golden Age.
The black-and-white daily and color Sunday strips contained distinct
storylines and will be released in separate, concurrent, series of
deluxe hardcovers.
The line kicks off this July with
Fans can look forward to nearly 800 strips featuring classic artwork by
Curt Swan, Wayne Boring, and
Stan Kaye. While most of the stories from
Atomic Age and
Golden Age were
original and completely different
from the comic books, under
Mort Weisinger's editorship in the late
1950s Silver Age stories, Superman co-creator
Jerry Siegel was brought
in to script adaptations of then-current comic book tales.
"It's like discovering an entire alternate universe of famous Silver Age
comic book stories," said
Dean Mullaney, LOAC Creative Director who's
editing and designing the series. "It's better than an imaginary
Jerry Siegel doing a remake of his classic
Superman's Return to Krypton!'s
Curt Swan, not
Al Plastino, drawing
The Menace of Metallo. Superman fans might want to consider these strips as taking place on a brand new world-
Earth-N for
Covers for each book are being specially created by
Pete Poplaski to
evoke the look and style of the times;
Volume One is an homage to
Swan's art and
Ira Schnapp's lettering design.
Tom DeHaven, author of
the novel
It's Superman!, is writing the foreword, and the introductions
are by
Sidney Friedfertig.
Additional details on the Sunday strip books as well as the
Batman and
Wonder Woman collections will follow, but eager fans should begin
watching the skies in July!
(HC, B&W, $49.99, 288 pages, 11" x 8.5")
ISBN: 978-1-61377-666-7
"Superman" Daily Comic Strip, ca. 1962, Artwork: Curt Swan |
Ergänzung / Anmerkung:
Der Verlag Kitchen Sink Press veröffentlichte Ende der 80er Jahre die frühen ersten "Golden Age"- Jahrgänge der "Superman" - und der "Batman" - Daily Comic Strips sowie die farbigen Sunday Pages beider Serien; jeweils als Hardcover- und Softcover- Ausgaben. Diese Bände sind unter Sammlern inzwischen extrem gesucht.
Vor einigen Jahren gab es hiervon eine -allerdings recht schnell vergriffene- preiswerte Neu-Ausgabe. IDW wird diese Bände im Rahmen seiner Reprint- Reihen (also "Superman: The Golden Age" bzw. "Batman: The Golden Age") in neuer Ausstattung wiederveröffentlichen; allerdings erst NACH erscheinen der "Atomic Age" und "Silver Age" - Buch-Reihen von Superman und Batman.
Interessanterweise läßt IDW die Cover seiner DC- Reprint- Reihen vom gleichen Künstler gestalten, der zuvor in den 80ern die Covers der bei Kitchen Sink verlegten Bände gestaltete: Pete Poplaski
"Batman" Daily Comic Strip, ca. 1946, Artwork: Dick Spang / Bob Kane |