Von vielen unserer Kundinnen (und einigen Kunden) nachgefragt... diese Woche ist's endlich erschienen: Die Comic-Adaption von Michelle Obamas Lebenslauf. Hier die US-Credits:
Female Force: Michelle Obama
Author(s): Neal Bailey
Artist(s) Ryan Howe
Cover Artist(s): cover by Vinnie Tartamella
This comic series has been featured on CNN, FOX NEWS & OK! Magazine. This one shot features the newest 1st Lady, Michelle Obama. A mother, political force, and now... the new first lady, it's obvious that Michelle Obama has lived a life many have only dreamed of. Continuing Bluewater's examination of strong female figures in politics, this visual biography will examine Michelle's life in detail to help find her context in modern history.
Als nächste Bände erscheinen innerhalb der Reihe "Female Force": Caroline Kennedy, J.K. Rowling und Lady Diana.
Bereits erhältlich: Hillary Clinton und Sarah Palin.