aus einem aktuellen Pressetext von Lucasfilm:
"... Yes, J.J. Abrams will direct Star Wars: Episode VII, the first of a new series of Star Wars films to come from Lucasfilm under the leadership of Kathleen Kennedy. Abrams will be directing and Academy Award-winning writer Michael Arndt will write the screenplay… Also consulting on the project are Lawrence Kasdan and Simon Kinberg. Kasdan has a long history with Lucasfilm, as screenwriter on The Empire Strikes Back, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Return of the Jedi. Kinberg was writer on Sherlock Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. Smith..."
(hiermit bestätigt Lucasfilm erstmals, das Kasdan & Kinberg auch an SW VII mitarbeiten werden; bisher hies es, sie schreiben nur an den Scripts der Episoden VIII und IX sowie den geplanten "unnummerierten" Star Wars- Filmen !)
...und noch einige ausgewählte Reaktionen zur Wahl von J.J.Abrams ("Fringe", "Star Trek") als nächster STAR WARS -Regisseur:
Jedi-Meister George Lucas:
"...I’ve consistently been impressed with J.J. as a filmmaker and storyteller. He’s an ideal choice to direct the new Star Wars film and the legacy couldn’t be in better hands..."
"Fringe"-Co-Creator JJ Abrams:
"...To be a part of the next chapter of the Star Wars saga, to collaborate with Kathy Kennedy and this remarkable group of people, is an absolute honor. I may be even more grateful to George Lucas now than I was as a kid..."
Lucasfilm / ILM-Special-Effects-Veteran Dennis Muren:
![]() |
Jabba The Hutt würde sagen: "Boshuuda...!" |
"...He (Abrams) puts everything he has into his work. He totally immerses himself. He’s got such a visual eye, which is so important to the Star Wars films. It seems that a lot of the same things that were in George when he made the first Star Wars films are also in J.J. I think he’s going to fit into the other movies perfectly, with the energy that J.J. has. We’re kick-starting Star Wars again with dynamite. It will knock people out, including the people who get to work on it. I think it’s a great choice..."
Sieht ja ganz so aus, als müßten die DISNEY Studios Dagobert Duck bitten seinen Geldspeicher auszubauen, um Platz zu schaffen für den ganzen Zaster, den das Studio ab 2015 mit "AVENGERS 2" und "STAR WARS" VII bis IX scheffeln wird...
Quellen: THR, Variety, LFL, Bleeding Cool