Das Branchenblatt der amerikanischen Entertainment- Industrie, "The Hollywood Reporter", widmet in seiner aktuellen Print-Ausgabe (coverdate 9. Mai) mehrere (Gast-) Kolumnen dem 75. Geburtstag des neben "Superman" größten aller Comic Book Superhelden: BATMAN.
Gast- Autor Kevin Smith dürfte den meisten von Euch als Regisseur solch' genialer Spielfilme wie "Clerks" oder "Dogma" bekannt sein. Für DC schreib er die Storyline Green Arrow: Quiver (die als "Graphic Novel" - reprint erhältlich ist) sowie Batman: The Widening Gyre (in der Smith zum Entsetzen vieler Fans beschrieb, wie sich Batman in die Hosen pisst!). Er ist derzeit auch Executive Producer der hierzulande kaum bekannten tv-show "Comic Book Men" .
"...The Marvel heroes were unwittingly designed for today's modern movie, where digital artists

By comparison, however, on paper Batman comes across as kinda dull. He pulls on a mask and a cape and fights street-level bad guys. He has no superpowers. He has cool tech like Iron Man, but he likes to rely on his brains and brawn more than anything else. In a world of super- heroes, he's pretty uncinematically normal. When you take away the Batmobile and the Batcave, Batman is just a guy fighting mad men in makeup. He's not invulnerable: He's a human being...."
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"Tanz den Batusi!"
Adam West, Darsteller von Bruce Wayne / Batman in der mega-populären 60er Jahre "Batman" - tv-show über die Serie, die Figur und deren Einfluß auf die damalige Pop--Kultur:
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Adam West im ersten Batman-Kinofilm, BATMAN -THE MOVIE |
"...At first, DC Comics didn't much like the fact that we were not serious enough for adults. However, when they saw their book sales dramatically increase, they began to love us, as did the Japanese color TV manufacturers. They became big fans, of course.
Our TV series and our older Batman movie tuned in to the vivid colors and escapism of the '60s. We were reflecting artists like any Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and Jasper Johns..."
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...und schließlich noch ein kurzer Text über den "Batman"- Co- Creator Bob Kane (der bis kurz vor seinem Tode stets behauptete, er hätte die Figur und ihr Umfeld im Alleingang erfunden; was erwiesenermaßen gelogen war):
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Kane's tatsächlicher "Bat-Man" |
(He and his wife, Elizabeth, occasionally went on double dates with Marvel's Stan Lee, who moved to L.A. in the '70s.)..."
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