Montag, 7. Juni 2010

MARVEL erzürnt Amerika (jedenfalls die kleine Meute von Comic-Heftchen-Nerds)

Die heutige Ankündigung von Marvel, den Titel »Invincible Iron Man Annual #1« gleichzeitig digital und materiell zu veröffentlichen, hat zu fetten Diskussionen geführt. Hier drei Übersichten: robot6 | comicsbeat | comicbookresources

DC schweigt (weil eh keine »digitale Strategie«...)

Update 8. Juni:
There are people who are legitimately scared because they don't know what's going to happen to their livelihood and have no control over where the industry as a whole heads. I can't begrudge them for that fear. But what doesn't help their situation is ignoring the reality of what's going on and acting as if the status quo will remain.