Wunder- Autor GRANT MORRISON ("Flex Mentallo", "Animal Man" u.v.a.) hat anläßlich des Erscheinens seiner beiden letzten Superman In ACTION COMICS -Ausgaben (## 17 + 18) gleich mehreren website für z.T. sehr ausführliche Interviews zur Verfügung gestanden.
Morrison diskutiert hier sowohl das Ende seines ACTION COMICS Run (inklusive Einblicke in die Entstehung seiner Plots, der Bezüge zum "All-Star Superman"- Titel u.v.m.!), aber auch seine nächsten großen Projekte (etwas mit "Wonder Woman" sowie die "Multiversity" - Limited Series, von DC jetzt offiziell für September angekündigt als 8 Hefte mit Über-Umfang!) kommen zur Sprache.
Natürlich gibt es bei der Vielzahl an (offensichtlich zeitnah zueinander geführten) Interviews auch thematische Überschneidungen / Doppelungen - trotzdem sind diese Interviews lesenswert, und für die Jünger Morrisons eh' ein "must-read"!
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Sequenz aus Action Comics # 17, c) 2013 DC |
"By the same token, Clark Kent is much stronger. He's an activist. Rather than being a bumbling country oaf, he's more like a shabby kid who lives in the lower east side and writes amazing journalism."
"I think what remains is a Superman [who] is a bit more proactive and more masculine in the sense that he gets things done. He's got a little bit of a sense of humor, and he's tough again. You can knock him down, and he'll get up. I think the best thing that it's done ultimately is to get rid of that weird emo Superman that was around for a long time."
"I signed up to do six issues initially, and it was just going to be the story of how Superman went from this young, proto-superhuman to wearing the Jim Lee-style space suit. And that was it, that's what I signed on for. But then, a couple of extra fill-in issues were required for the story that I came up with and ended with a much larger story beyond, so I decided to tell that story which was the 5th dimension story. And that was going to end in issue #16 or so and I thought, "I've got to give this more space, this is getting bigger than it should be."
"I've told everything I've got right now. But as I've said before, never say never about these characters because. I've really said enough for a while. But there's still the black Superman from Earth-23 in there but I've said pretty much all I've got to say for the moment."
"It's possibly like no Superman story before, there's a lot of stuff going on it. The readers themselves are implicated in the story. We're going to se a lot of Red Kryptonite hallucinations. The idea is basically; the villain is from the 5th Dimension, this character Lord Vyndktvx is acting Superman in a lot of different levels."
"I've always liked Superman, even since I was kid, but he was never my favorite. It was always the Flash when I was young, but I liked Superman and I particularly liked Superman stories when I was growing up all through the '60s and '70s. I was a big fan of that character and he's always been there, but I would say that as I've got older he's become more meaningful. He's become more symbolic and more useful as a symbolic tool to talk about big world stuff. I think in the past he was considered fun, but the older I've gotten and the more I understand what the character is capable of, the more fun its become."
...zu den interessantesten Passagen in den Interviews gehören Morrison Äußerungen zur "Ideen-Reste-Verwertung" seiner nicht in "All-Star Superman" verwendeten Plots. Auch das "warum" er die "Legion Of Super-Heroes" zum Bestandteil seiner ersten Supie- Stories machte (er brauchte Charactere die Zeitreisende sind) ist von Interesse.
Aus dem Newsarama-Interview hierzu: "It's not the current Legion. It's the Legion from a world where things didn't work out well ... they're from a future where the bad guys won."
Den von Morrison in ACTION COMICS # 9 (und eigentlich auch schon in "FINAL CRISIS") gezeigten "Black Superman" von Earth-23 (von vielen Fans auch als "Obama-Superman" bezeichnet) werden wir ab September in "MULTIVERSITY" wiedersehen.
"Multiversity" soll -neben der Story- gleichzeitig als eine Art "Guidebook" aller 52 Parallel- Universen diesen, aus denen das DC Multiversum besteht, inklusive einer Art Übersicht / Karte all' dieser Universen und ihrem Verhältnis zueinander.
...und nach "Multiversity" beschäftigt sich Morrison mit einem "Wonder Woman" Projekt, zu dem er allerdings auch in den Interviews noch nicht allzuviel sagen konnte (oder wollte?). Hierfür recherchiert er derzeit die griechische Mythologie und auch die Geschichte des Feminismus...
"Action Comics" # 17 wird ab Donnerstag, 21.02. 2013 im UNFUG erhältlich sein; Das überformatige "Action Comics" # 18 geht dann ab Donnerstag, den 07.03. 2013 bei uns in den Verkauf!