Has everyone gone out to get Ms. Marvel #1? #IAmMsMarvel ! pic.twitter.com/pF5OhlJsN4
— nick_lowe_ (@nick_lowe_) 5. Februar 2014
I too want be Ms. Marvel!! RT @AgentM: I'm #MsMarvel pic.twitter.com/rmeOLcScMT
— Sebas (@sebascepe) 7. Februar 2014
Does the new Ms. Marvel live up to the hype? Check out @JackOfAllTPs' review! #FF #MsMarvel http://t.co/5aBkWB4oEY pic.twitter.com/J09uTBRfki
— Matt Wheeler (@SaltCityFanboy) 7. Februar 2014
The Ms @Marvel #1 cover is both brilliant & disturbing. Fans are having a blast with it! #comicmarket pic.twitter.com/8iYh9pbwux
— LarrysComics.net (@LarrysComics) 8. Februar 2014
@drunknrandy in da Ms @Marvel house: pic.twitter.com/ZDEI5u3RZq
— LarrysComics.net (@LarrysComics) 8. Februar 2014
This pic's so creepy, but...#MsMarvel #1 is AMAZING. Can we make this a thing, BTW? I'll share the pics on @Marvel! pic.twitter.com/Y6Z5IZtH3t
— Adri Cowan (@AdriCowan) 7. Februar 2014
Thanks to @Marvel I can be #MsMarvel too! Anyone can be a hero! pic.twitter.com/N309RRGJXv
— Hiero W K (@eRonin) 7. Februar 2014
GUYSAMIDOINGTHISRIGHT? @Marvel #MsMarvel pic.twitter.com/qdZ3C93pJg
— FemSteph (@FemSteph) 7. Februar 2014
#MsMarvel pic.twitter.com/GII4QhlCYs
— Melvin Williams (@Mojnator) 7. Februar 2014
#MsMarvel pic.twitter.com/VIzE3BwERv
— Ben Morse (@BenJMorse) 7. Februar 2014
This is my #MsMarvel face. pic.twitter.com/U2X9Y7AvuG
— Blake Garris (@blakegarris) 7. Februar 2014
Hey @AgentM & #comicmarket! It's Ralph & @Jonwahizzle putting on their best Ms Marvel pic.twitter.com/Z1diW4EgX5
— Jetpack Comics (@JetpackComics) 8. Februar 2014