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The Book of Moe: Simpsons Library of Wisdom HC
Preis 9,95 Euro
Moe Szyslak, pug-ugly purveyor at the local waterin' hole, has done it all! From takin' his licks in the boxing ring to performin' backroom surgery. Get to know the man behind the apron strings, the misunderstood mixologist with the gold-plated heart, as he dispenses advice to drunks like it was Duff on draft, recommends some of his signature (and watered-down) drinks like the Moe-jito, tries out a pick-up line or two, dreams of actually gettin' a date, dishes a little on his acting career, and counts his blessings (like babysittin' Maggie Simpson) that make life worth livin' for at least one more day. Small, hardcover, color.(via Harper Collins)