Gute Artbooks sind ja seit nem Jahr selten geworden (finde ich zumindest).
Umso GRELLER, das neue Artbook von Yasuomi Umetsu! Das sollte sich jeder Kite und Mezzo Fan nicht entgehen lassen!

Yasuomi Umetsu - Visual Art Works: Borderless
128 Seiten in Farbe
Preis: ca. 49 Euro
Vorbestellnummer: 13275
Contains illustration from "Ikki Tosen Great Guardians", "Senjo no Valkyria", "A Kite", "Mezzo Forte", "Cord Geass R2" and much much more!!
The perfect book for any fan of Yasuomi Uemtsu's work! Includes a special section with his original illustrations in black&white and color! This book also contains keyframe sketches from the various opening and ending sequences he has worked on like "Great Guardians". Also includes an interview and colored guest illustrations in the back. (via GU)