Die inzwischen bereits elfte Ausgabe des "DC PREVIEWS" Katalogs ist jetzt online einsehbar, mit allen Heft-Serien die im Mai 2019 erscheinen werden / sollen, sowie den "Collected Editions" (Hardcovers, Paperbacks) sowie Merchandise, welche ab Juni im Verkauf sein werden.

Interessantes aus dem Inhalt:
Start der dritten "Batman / TMNT (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)" Mini-Serie, das Abschlußheft / Finale von "Heroes In Crisis", die nächste "DC Black Label" Serie "Batman Last Knight On Earth", "DCeased", "Dear Justice League" (eine Graphic Novel für Teenager!), "Dog Days Of Summer" 80pg Giant (mit den Strand-Abenteuern von "Krypto", "Streaky", "Bat-Cow" & Co.!!!), ...sowie ein extrafetter Superman oneshot aus dem die neuen Ongoing-Serien "Lois Lane" & "Jimmy Olsen" im Juni hervorgehen werden ("yes! the 60s are back!")
Find out all about what DC has coming up with March 2019’s DC PREVIEWS #11, soliciting DC’s graphic novels, comics, and more, on sale in May 2019 and beyond. In it you will find everything that DC previously would have offered in the pages of Diamond Previews, including solicitation information and art for our upcoming comic books, collected editions and collectibles. As you flip through DC PREVIEWS, notice that all our imprints — DC, DC Vertigo, DC Black Label and even MAD — are listed alphabetically and integrated together. Each title has its imprint logo next to it so you’ll know instantly where they fit into DC’s overall publishing program.