Neun Mitarbeiter des US-Verlags Image Comics haben jetzt die Gründung einer Gewerkschaft verkündet: "Comic Book Workers United".
In einem Statement kommentierte Image die Gründung wie folgt: "Image has always believed in the fair and equitable treatment of staff and has always strived to support employees to the best of our company's ability with regard to their employment."Lt. Ankündigung soll diese Gewerkschaft / Interessenvereinigung zugänglich sein für jedermann sein der professionell im US - Comic Book-Verlags- Business tätig ist.
“We are honored to grow their legacy by taking this step to give all comic book industry professionals, regardless of title, the same rights, guarantees, security, and protections which the founders sought when they broke away from the big two to start their own company. In fact, several months into our organizing efforts, Jim Valentino made a comment on social media celebrating union accomplishments. That was the moment we knew this could work.”
Im offiziellen Pressetext zur Gründung werden unter anderem folgende Ziele benannt:
- Salary and workload transparency for all positions;
- Annual performance reviews;
- Monthly all-hands meetings so staff can better understand what other departments are doing;
- Detailed record-keeping of the tasks required for each job, including detailed job descriptions and instructions for all job duties;
- Better compliance with the company’s stated intent to post all job openings internally before opening them up to outside candidates;
- Continuation of remote work on request, and creation of a detailed remote-work policy that states what accommodation the company will provide for remote employees and how it will share the cost of work done at home, which is currently shouldered solely by employees;
- Increased staffing, particularly in the Production and Marketing departments;
- A long-term plan to increase diversity of staff and management;
- An option for all employees to vote on whether to immediately cancel any title whose creators “have been found to have engaged in abuse, sexual assault, racism and xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, ableism, etc. until such time as said creators have engaged in meaningful reparations toward affected person(s).”
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"42nd Street" c) 1933 WB |